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Important Notice: Our call centre is experiencing longer than normal wait times. Don't miss the February 29th deadline to contribute to your RRSP for the 2023 tax year. Avoid the last-minute rush and book an appointment or contribute online now.


Registered Retirement Savings Plans (R R S Ps) are accounts specifically designed to help Canadians invest for retirement. See how investing with B M O can help you achieve your retirement dreams.
  • Invest in your R R S P up to the annual limit and watch it grow, tax-free
  • Fill it with a mix of investments, like Guaranteed Investment Certificates, stocks, mutual funds and savings accounts
  • Get a tax break on any income you invest in your R R S P
Watch your money grow with these amazing offers.
  • Get $100 footnote dagger for saving regularly with a new BMO Mutual Funds account, or
  • Get up to $3,500footnote section when you invest with BMO Mutual Funds.

Please note

Our call centre is experiencing longer than normal wait times. Don't miss the March 3rd deadline to contribute to your RRSP for the 2024 tax year. Avoid the last-minute rush and book an appointment or contribute online now.

What is an RRSP?

A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a great way to save for retirement. It offers two important tax benefits. Firstly, investment income in your RRSP isn’t taxed while in the plan, so it grows faster than it would otherwise. Secondly, contributions to your RRSP are tax deductible, so contributions can lower your taxable income and your income tax bill. It’s definitely a win-win way to invest for your future!

Why invest in an RRSP?

More growth, faster returns

With an RRSP, you won’t pay tax on any growth on investments while it’s in your account. That’s a big deal, because it can help you achieve your goals faster.

The right investment mix

You can mix things up by holding various investment types in an R R S P, including stocks, bonds, Guaranteed Investment Certificates, Exchange Traded Funds and mutual funds. That means you can create a custom portfolio to help you reach your goals.

Save on taxes

Get a tax deduction when you contribute to your R R S P -- any money you put in your R R S P will be subtracted from your income, so you’ll pay less in taxes.

Reach your retirement goals faster

Discover how to achieve your retirement dreams with our simple R R S P calculator.

Registered Retirement Savings Plans by the numbers

18%:The amount of your income you can invest in your R R S P each year.
$32,490:The maximum RRSP contribution in 2025.
71:The age you must close your R R S P or convert to an R R I F.

How to make the most of your RRSP

Here are a few ways to make sure your R R S P is working hard for you.

Start planning early

The secret to R R S P growth is to take advantage of it as soon as possible. The earlier you start contributing to your R R S P with a Continuous Savings Plan, the more time your money has to grow tax-free.

Max out contributions

We know that life happens and it’s not always easy to put a ton away for retirement. But making small, regular contributions can help you get closer to hitting that limit each year.
Did you know? You can maximize your R R S P contribution with an R R S P loan. Learn more.

Make up for missed contributions

If you fell short of your maximum contribution, it’s not too late. The room you have left will roll over into next year, so you have another shot at saving as much as you can.

Take advantage of our savings account rates

On top of everything else a R R I F / R R S P can do for you, here’s another great reason to start: Great rates and offers to help you make real financial progress right from the start. It’s easy to get started today.

How an R R S P helps you save more

Investing $10,000 annually in an R R S P could earn you 60% more in total savings over 30 years compared to a non-registered account (assuming a 6% average annual return).
Total savings in R R S P account: $838,000Total savings in Non registered account: $510,700
Disclaimer: For illustrative purposes only. B M O does not guarantee an annual average rate of return. Assuming a 46% tax rate applied on the non-registered account investment.

Investments you can hold in your RRSP account

Learn more about investing in Registered Retirement Savings Plans with B M O


General questions

Opening an RRSP

Contribution room

Investment types

Ways to contact us

There are various ways to get in touch. Choose your preferred method.

Online investing

This material is for informational purposes only. This material is not intended to be relied upon as research, investment, or tax advice and is not an implied or express recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security or to adopt any particular investment or portfolio strategy. Any views and opinions expressed do not take into account the particular investment objectives, needs, restrictions and circumstances of a specific investor and, thus, should not be used as the basis of any specific investment recommendation. Investors should consult a financial advisor and/or tax information applicable to their specific situation.
All investments, including these, are subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal.
Investment professional refers to Personal Bankers, Financial Planners, Investment and Retirement Planning and Investment Specialists that are representatives of BMO Investments Inc.
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